6:04:00 PMHad nice weeks with O4 Crew. I love how we were together. Hope this will last, even when we're not going to the same school later. I enjoyed the practice, the hangout.. Mehn, how God gives me such great friends. :)
We performed at Angela Yanetha's party. Might be the others' last sweet 17th party for their year. haha We had fun performing since it's some kinda fresh concept. It's a fun night. I don't know how my days would be without these guys. Well, those days are going to come just some months again. :( (But somehow it makes me feel so young since they're graduating and I'm not. haha) I hope we can still always hangout a lot! School's coming right now, though. Should get going from all the fun. LOL
I try to study hard in class, mostly at math! At least I'm trying to show my efforts just so the teacher know. I hope my efforts won't be useless! Booyah!
Dance life. Preparing for Petra Mahakarya Competition and "the year's project". I'm still confused what to do about "the year's project".(Let's make it TYP for now) I should get up and bring the team to life.. Maybe it feels really hard since there are gaps everywhere. But I believe we can team up and give the best for everyone. Let time bonds us..Whutta!
For the flaw, my "past". I researched some things about it and then I felt like one with a cancer. I mean, why me? Why does it has to be me when others are living a normal life out there? Well, I believe the answers won't matter much. All I know is that God created me this special, which such "special" problem to be blessing other people when the time comes. I think I wanna confess and open up to people someday, what I am, who am I. Then I would write my struggle, everything about it. But that's when I'm ready and I really don't know when..haha Opening up will show who my true friends are, and who aren't. I'm ready to be left, actually. The most important is the true friends. :)
Yesterday a teacher made me cut my hair on the long back tail, and I was pissed of like crazy. I got crazy moments and spit out all the bad words.. Still need more self-control. But really, I really wanna make her regret what she made me do. It was boiling inside and all I wanted to do back then is to make a shameful moment for her. Mehn, I'm gonna cut and hold it off..
Today I told my sister about me. And actually, she already filled in by mom -_- No need to say much again then. But something during the conversation is disturbing me.. It's kinda going to be a new mind bug for me. Arghh. And talking of mind bug, my personality disorder is coming up again..dang.
New problems feel like they always come up to replace the old ones..
Life just won't stop trying to knock us down.
But it's always our decision to stay strong.
By the way, still loving David Cook's Always Be My Baby so dang much..
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