Been Years.
10:26:00 PMYears since the last time I updated this blog! You know, I moved to an apartment since my home was being renovated, and there's no internet connection there so I can't do the update thing.. Lots of things happened, a damn lot of thing happened during my absence here. The DBL Competition, The Big Groove 2011, the jobs, the performances, the class farewell, the love story, everything! And it'll be too much to update in one night, so let me just post the pics.
We advanced to Top 10, but didn't pass to Big 5 like last year. But for a week practice, it's already awesome, right? Thank God! :)
The Big Groove 2011
Now this is the brag zone. Sorries! Take a look
Street rats.

With the B-FABS!
With Vietnamese b-boys.
Joyce from Joyce and The Boyz
PAPA DOMINIQUE, my inspiration! Dang!
Kris, the new dance friend from UK.
G-Center's dancers!! Yeah!!
Just awesome, The Big Groove 2011. So many things I learned, and a new passion I got. It's great to learn there, to see how enthusiastic the dancers in the world are. Mehn, I gotta grow a lot! Dance till the world ends.
First Dance Competition for the O4 Juniors!
Yeah, O4 Crew, the name of the dance crew of mine, Garry, Chel, Lia, Jesslyn, and Killa for Petra 5. The O4s of the 12th grade graduated. Now I'm the only O4 left in the school, am I? No! This new dancer generation will continue the dance trip!
Farewell, Old Class. XIA4, The El'Cief!
It was an awesome year being in one class with them, such crazy guys and the greatest teamworking class among all science class! I will surely miss them guys. Now let's moove onnnn.... Things change. Love them!!
New Class! XIIA2!
Now's my senior year and I gotta act normal a bit. But how am I supposed to be normal when I am in a class again with Sylvia, Alkent, etc.? -_- The ex-El Cief class are always crazy. So this new class is contaminated by our presence, and we feel so sorry for the other students. And one by one friends in this class is acting unproper.. Until all of us do! That will be great. Laugh for your life!!

Believe me it's not her birthday. We only did prank birthday to make up for our mistake. LOL!
So that's about all of it. Not all, but quite enough.
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