It's an hour to new year.
It's been a year full of great things, I learned so much things this year. I got to know God, and my self more too. Much love of Him has been popping and showing in my life.
One of the things I learned this year is that everything changes constantly. Environments, people around you, even yourself. Might not realize it, but we have our resolutions day by day. We're getting mature and mature, we start to learn how to avoid being bad. We learn our friends better. We do our talents better. These changes keep happening, 'till the end of our life. There's a quote saying, "The only thing that remains constant in this world is change."
For me, I have some resolutions for next year:
1) Give a time for God everyday, and always put Him on the first line before everything.
2) Workout routinely
3) Nicely arrange incomes and outcomes
4) Stop pleasing my lust
5) No overuse in computer
6) Sleep well
Some hopes as well.
Next year I'll be entering university life and I hope I will have a great life there and be blessing for everyone.
I hope I will be able to always control my emotions.
I hope I won't mess up like I always did these 3 years.
You know, if you got the chance to read this post, and realize that you're breathing; It means that He still has His work to be done on you. It means that you still have the chance to fix everything, to be a better person. It means mercy. It means He still considers you as a special one, that the world you're living in still needs you. People around you needs you. He needs you for His amazing plan for your life.
What do you plan for 2012?
All this time, it's this one question: Have you been living, or simply existing in this world?
We only live for awhile.
It's been 17 years for me and now, I think to live is to inspire.
Generally, we live to fulfill God's plan in our life. How do we know what His plan is? Search for Him, live to be close with Him. Spend a sharing time each day with Him. He doesn't need you to be praying 3 hours or more. He needs you to remember that He's beside you 24 hours a day, and you can talk to Him whenever you want. He is always there for you.
The world may offer greater and greater fun as the time passes, it's good, but not everything is useful.
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. - 1 Corinthians 10:23
Doing fun things without purpose is time wasting.
For 2012, let's try to remove our bad habits, clear our sins, and let's LIVE.
This year was awesome. Let the next year starting be double awesome.
May you have a new chapter, and that*your life be renewed. May you share joy always with your family, friends, and yourself.
God bless you.
It's been a year full of great things, I learned so much things this year. I got to know God, and my self more too. Much love of Him has been popping and showing in my life.
One of the things I learned this year is that everything changes constantly. Environments, people around you, even yourself. Might not realize it, but we have our resolutions day by day. We're getting mature and mature, we start to learn how to avoid being bad. We learn our friends better. We do our talents better. These changes keep happening, 'till the end of our life. There's a quote saying, "The only thing that remains constant in this world is change."
For me, I have some resolutions for next year:
1) Give a time for God everyday, and always put Him on the first line before everything.
2) Workout routinely
3) Nicely arrange incomes and outcomes
4) Stop pleasing my lust
5) No overuse in computer
6) Sleep well
Some hopes as well.
Next year I'll be entering university life and I hope I will have a great life there and be blessing for everyone.
I hope I will be able to always control my emotions.
I hope I won't mess up like I always did these 3 years.
You know, if you got the chance to read this post, and realize that you're breathing; It means that He still has His work to be done on you. It means that you still have the chance to fix everything, to be a better person. It means mercy. It means He still considers you as a special one, that the world you're living in still needs you. People around you needs you. He needs you for His amazing plan for your life.
What do you plan for 2012?
All this time, it's this one question: Have you been living, or simply existing in this world?
We only live for awhile.
It's been 17 years for me and now, I think to live is to inspire.
Generally, we live to fulfill God's plan in our life. How do we know what His plan is? Search for Him, live to be close with Him. Spend a sharing time each day with Him. He doesn't need you to be praying 3 hours or more. He needs you to remember that He's beside you 24 hours a day, and you can talk to Him whenever you want. He is always there for you.
The world may offer greater and greater fun as the time passes, it's good, but not everything is useful.
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. - 1 Corinthians 10:23
Doing fun things without purpose is time wasting.
For 2012, let's try to remove our bad habits, clear our sins, and let's LIVE.
This year was awesome. Let the next year starting be double awesome.
May you have a new chapter, and that*your life be renewed. May you share joy always with your family, friends, and yourself.
God bless you.