Merry Christmas, Earthlings!

10:23:00 PM

It's the day in the year, the day of His birthday!

This is the first time for me to spend Christmas in another country, and in a Chatolic Church. Just an info, I'm a Christian, while my cousins are Chatolics, and our family's spending Christmas holiday with them so we followed them to the church. So, we went along with the religious service.

Started with worship songs, 15 mins before 25 December.. Then I suddenly cried, There was His presence there. I was glad that I was able to worship and come to Him. In my mind, "God, I am an awful sinner, a really awful one. Yet You are always there to forgive me, let me down your feet, call me Your son, and even love me.. You really are kind, Lord. I'm glad to have You as my Father, and I know that You are always with me, it's just that most of the time I ignored You. I'm sorry Lord for forgetting You through the day and put You aside. Thank You for still letting me feel Your presence and having You as my Father.."

Then I felt sorry that I didn't event really care about Christmas, all along the day I didn't even thought anything about the real Christmas. Just then I realize that it's the birthday of my Father. And I haven't prepared anything to give Him. "What should I present to You, Lord?" I couldn't take myself to commit anything, I was afraid I would disappoint Him, like I always did.. Then I just say, "I give up my arrogance to You, Lord. I give up my dirty minds, I give up all my sins to You. Sorry for being a burden in Your born day, and I'm putting my life in Your hands." That's all I could give, I don't have anything else..I'm just a sinner.

I had this thought, that this could be the last christmas, not just because all the bad prophecies on 2012, but any Christmas could be. He's really coming anyway.. I wanna be close to Him before the time comes. And I wanna get my dear ones to be close to Him so that they won't get lost, before it's too late. I hope that I won't mess myself up too..

World, thank Him for descending to this dirty place just to LOVE you, and for sacrificing Himself over to the pain of being crucified and humiliated. It's His birthday and let's give our best gift to Him, our LIFE. No more playing fun with this world, the time is not long anymore. Be sure You are in His hands when it all ends.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
Sorry for the serious talk but for me it's real talk, mate.
Hope we have a wonderful Christmas with everyone daring to us, and have a new chapter for the next awesome year. May our days always be bright, and JOY AROUND THE WORLD, unexceptionally! Rich, poor, bad, good, everyone.
The Baby King loves you! :)

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2 feedbacks

  1. Puh-ray-zuh Gawwd!!!

    Ya better make it, bro...
    cuzz if ya dont,
    thar'll be Hell to pay.

    trustNjesus, brudda.
    God bless your indelible soul.

  2. Puh-ray-zuh Gawwd!!!

    Ya better make it, bro...
    cuzz if ya dont,
    thar'll be Hell to pay.

    trustNjesus, brudda.
    God bless your indelible soul.
