Pre-Exam Post 1
10:58:00 PMThere's so much things going on with people around me. Things are different for them, affecting externals. Some had breakups, some ran to a new relationship they shouldn't be having, some did A when they said B, some doesn't know the actual thing of what's going on, don't like each other, being fanatic, freaky, and things.
This situation has got me talking about one person to another. I'm starting to say things about other people, talk behind someone's back but being all nice in front of them. And I do realize that. It feels horrible. I'm being fake. I know I gotta stop this thing I've been going on. Well, people around feels disappointing, or maybe I'm the one who's all negative about everyone. What I know is when we know a bad thing about someone, as a good friend we have to tell them so that they can change and be better, not talk behind their backs. The deal is, I haven't got the courage to tell some certain people near me, or some of them I already tried to warn but they went off anyway. I'm starting to think if I should just hold these things to my self and shut up. Like they say, "Some things are better left unsaid, some words are better left unspoken". Maybe, but there will be no change of situation. Even if there won't be anyway, at least I should try to tell. Well, I get it. I should just wait for the perfect time to tell. No, not wait, MAKE the perfect time.
Other than this people thing, I've been feeling not well these days and I got a little stressed by tryouts and the upcoming exam. I'm eating chocolate as the stress reducer. FAT. This body's already got a lot worse since the start of 12th grade, and after the national exam I WILL SURELY get it burnt! I don't even want to look at my belly in this state. Bali holiday is coming and that means I'll be going shirtless a lot. Won't wanna be a clown at the beach! Is 1,5 month enough to burn this belly?
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