Take A Distance
9:42:00 PMHow's 2013 for you? So far so good?
I wanna share something that I got from my Bali holiday trip.
5th - 10th January, I went to Bali with some of my psychology friends (+ 1 IBM, haha). There was also one of my friend's family. We didn't do anything naughty, just a fun and culinary trip. I had a thought about spending some years of my life to live in Bali. I want to be a bartender in a club. It can be in Bali or in Singapore. In my head it seems like a lot of fun! Juggling and dancing. haha but I guess it's a little bit too random for my life.
Not just plain fun, I learned something good from my friend's dad. He shared a lot of things to us; Honestly I can't recall most of them, but one thing that's stuck in my head is to TAKE A DISTANCE.
Most of the time we see things so objectively, that we forget to see the bigger picture. Sometimes, we need to take a step back to see everything clearer and wider. The bigger picture is your whole life itself.
When you're faced with a giant, you don't only see the feet and bash it all the way to beat it. You take steps backward, then you can see it whole, find it's weak spot. Not only that, you can see things around you wider, therefore use what's there in creative ways to beat it.
I'm really not good in analogy, but I hope you get what I mean.
For me, taking a distance is taking time to put what's in front of you: troubles, decisions, ideas in the present into the big picture of your life. Reflecting on the past, the future, who you are, who you want to be, how you want your life to be.
The points that I get from this contemplation is:
- Don't get carried away by your feelings or emotions. They fluctuate over time and acting by them can be so wrong for your past and future self.
- When life obstacles hit you and you feel like it's the end of everything, take a distance. Back there, you passed another obstacles. You can get past this. In front, you will be grateful for the lessons you learn. Always remember: "This too shall pass".
- Give your best effort in painting your picture. Try your best not to let your tired hands mess some little part of it. Remember that there's a time limit in painting the picture of life and you don't wanna waste your time fixing the mess.
That's all about it. It's not a post with the best word arrangement but I really hope it inspires you.
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