Holiday, Huh.
10:26:00 PMFirst holiday post.
I spent most of my holiday in Surabaya since I traveled too much already in these past 2 years. This month I go to my house Batu back and forth. With my friends and also family, and spending my Christmas there. And still lost of where I should be spending my new years eve at. Well that's holiday plan this month.
Next month I'll be going to Lombok for 4D3N with my parents. It's gonna be my first time there so I guess I should try to enjoy.
Lame chitchats about my holiday, but here are more coming. I spend most of the time drive my sister and my mom around. Well considering I've always been a superbusy guy 2000whatever when campus is on, this is what I should be doing! haha. Other than that, I just hang around town with some of the guys left here. I tried reading a book from Mitch Albom but I think I'm not in the mood to read productively.
I also hone myself up during the holiday.
Saving money. Maintaining a better relationship with family. Grooming myself to look younger. Exercising.
Enough for the holiday news.
I got my study result card this semester and the score decreased quite much. 1st semester I got 3.92. 2nd semester it's down to 3.86. Now it's lower. 3.52.
It's not really satisfying for me since it takes off the label "highest score" from me. I'm not the guy with the highest score in my class anymore. Well I made peace with that saying that it's not what I should be chasing. But a disappointment's disappointing.
The semester's kinda rough for me: the subjects came in a higher level (freaking biopsychology, citizenship class being taught by an old-fashioned lecturer I didn't expect, blah blah), and I am still trying to balance between my newly added aspect of life and the other existing aspects.
Well it happened. This semester was quite challenging. No used crying over spilled milk. I am clearly not taking full SKS next semester. I will miss one class. I need more space of time.
"Have you ever loved someone so much that you started hating them 'cause they make you wanna change yourself for them, but you actually did because in the end, you still love them?"
I thought I was so flawless.
The bad news is, I decided to try to change my "perfect" self.
And I believe that these changes are gonna make me not only a better guy for you, but also a better human in life. Thank you for making me learn.
I learn to control my ego, my emotion, and be happy for your (others') happiness. I learn to get a hold of myself, to not be so egoist. I learn to cope with my mistrust and trust you (others) more. I learn that I'm not always right, and that I'm not the guy with the perfect mind, and it hurts like hell.
I learn that as time goes, we find our difference and incompatibilities even more, and it sometimes makes me feel like losing the old us, but then I find that we can figure out how to deal with that, and that it leads to a stronger bond.
I learn that I start needing you instead of just wanting you.
I learn that I can't imagine how it would be when that time comes.
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