Petra Parade 2011, O4 Crew, and You.
12:37:00 AMThese 4 days were days of Petra Parade 2011. It's just like last year, but now it's bigger and more awesome. My big brother runs the event and I am very proud of him.
O4 Crew joined the dance competition and the result is we won the first place! Thank God for this amazing result. Last year, when we stood on the stage, we were ashamed when the MC mistook the reading for the winner. We were kicked down from the 1st place to the 3rd place in front of many people and we were so ashamed. Now we really won, and we are so grateful for that. We dance with different purpose this time; It's not to be in the 1st place, but to give our very best and enjoy the music to the most. We don't care if we didn't win, we only wanted to give our best. I am very proud with O4 Crew. :) It's a full week together with the crew, and I really love being with them. They're already like my family. And they're graduating this year while I'm still studying at this school. Ugh.. I only hope that our friendship will stay like this.
"1st place! Thank God!" LOL
The 3rd day, we did a stage practice where the guy who guided us (His name was Delon) was scolded by the show rundown arranger, and we felt sorry for him. It's not a nice thing to be embarrassed in front of many people. We felt like we'd just stand up and protect him if we could but we couldn't. Then the night we attended GSB, and at the end of the show I saw you crying and that's so painfully cute..damn. Then after that O4 went to eat at Palupi and I eat a DAANG LOT. Fun, fun, fun. We enjoyed our time together and I still hope that we can always laugh together like that..
The 4 days were dreamy. Just on the first day, I met and greeted a lot of friends. Old ones, the long-time-no-see ones, everyone. And I can never stop thanking God that I have those great persons in my life. I remember just 4 years ago when I have no friends at all, and to have such amazing people around's wonderful. Without God giving them on my life, I won't be who I am today. Then I had this thought of taking my university life here in this place, I thought I would feel comfortable and secure 'cause there are already many friends here. But then again, I haven't made up my mind of what my university subject will be. It's really hard to make up my mind here.

You. Finally we met again and talked to each other again. To have a face-to-face conversation wasn't that long I suppose. haha And then I felt lively again. The 4 days were different. After a year, I felt a real smile and I feel full. It was 4 wonderful days with you. But somehow I just can't stop worrying, are things going back to normal, or are things going back to abnormal? Where is the line that I shouldn't cross? And is it right to feel like this? I really have a lot of questions inside me to anyone who has the right answer. I was really really happy of my life during these 4 days, but these question bugs me. Can I have the proper feeling with you? I don't know if my feeling is already proper, I don't know about yours too. Maybe "the day" has the answer.. When that day come, I will let out everything. I will kill my face and really do it. I have to or else I won't stop wondering a lot inside this mind.
Each moment I walk with you, I question "Until when will I'm able to see you?" A year again, I don't know where you will be. I don't know if we will ever meet again. What's in front is scaring me. What if you leave? What if when that moment comes I still feel that I need you? One year.
The thing that my friends told me is that we only have to live the present to the most and put the past and future a little aside..
I am really happy and I can't stop wishing that the moment will last..
But I know this has to stop soon and in the end, we will not be together.
Just why?
It was wrong way to show love back then.
But even when it is right, why does it still has to end?
Then why was I let to love the first time?
I wish this story was like another, that it has a chance to be real and everlasting.
But it's not. Not for me.
I have to kill this feeling and break it on my own..
I will do that, I swear I will.
I will do it when my heart won't ever want to.
But somehow I need to know why it has to happen to me in the beginning?
There's just so much I don't know and maybe I won't know.
I can only give you support for now, properly.
Thank you for being there for me.
I hope we can have a proper feeling, for both of us.
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