The Idea of Being Bold
8:47:00 AMIt's the first day in the past 2 weeks that I got to lay down for a while leaving everything aside. There were lots of things I've been busy about. Student council, dance jobs, etc. I've been missing so much from college assignments. Trying to keep up was just too tiring for me. I didn't quite remember everything I should. I can't hold too much. I remember a mentor once said to me that I'm not the multitasking type. Maybe I'm not. haha. But somehow it's still fun to feel busy, despite all the exhaustments.
That's a short update on my daily life.
To be honest, I wasn't too happy with the consequences. I started blaming and defending myself in ways that would never get me to figure that I can't go back in time to change my choices.
But last year's resolution was not a curse. In this life, there are no things that are purely bad or purely good.
I maybe failed in being considerate and in control. But there are some insights that I can be proud of. Some friends helped me see from different perspective, and told me that people considerate me a bold and true person. I don't fake out, I say things as they are. At least I have something to always hold on to. I was extreme last year about it, but the core of being that kind of person is good. I am not fake.
The idea of being bold is good when you know the line. People will hate you and respect you at the same time since you can confidently be inside your own shirt, your own shoes, your own eyes, your own mind. They know your ideas. Maybe they will fear you too because you're different. Being bold will make you stand out. Especially in eastern countries like this where human being try to maintain themselves the way others want to see. Sometimes it will hurt people too because you don't try to make them feel the way they want. But there will be times when they come to you looking for the truth when others are just faking.
I've never been too proud with my control-problem that comes with my boldness. I will always try to fix it. But I've never been too shameful with my boldness either. Let people know the color. This is my quality, and I believe in it. Take it or leave it. Yes, it has downsides. But if you decide to leave it, then you don't worth the quality. And that only means someone else does. Life is all about perspectives anyway.
I decided not to continue the journal about tonsillectomy. There would be too much to share. haha. Actually to sum up, the first week was painful and exhausting, but once you get to the second, it will get easier. The third would be easy as pie and next is nothing. You'll heal faster than you think. So I can now eat things I want to. Even though I'm still having raw/sore throat. I hope it recovers soon.
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