The Thing That Makes Us Human

1:18:00 AM

It was the election day and it's my first time in life to vote!

Seems like this year's the most exciting one because only 2 president candidates are competing tightly. Seemingly the "upper" people make it looks like this country is tearing into 2 blocks. The 1st and the 2nd candidates' block. It's not good since some would forget that we're still a team, humans living in the same country. I even find some people get extreme and would throw his own belief if his chosen candidate doesn't win the election.

Extremists. Sometimes I don't get how human can be so intrigued by something that all his life looks like it's full of it. Maybe being extreme or being so into something is good, especially if you want to be a specialist. In fact, if you believe or if you practice something in your lifestyle you have to hold it tight and make it your color. Don't be so easily imbued by other color. Personally, I think it's not good as well to try to imbue your color to others by forcing, whether it is about belief, about lifestyle, about mindset, about anything. It's  okay to share your color. But It's NOT okay to force people to take it for themselves. Every single human is put into this world different. With their colors, they fulfill the big life mission given inside them. That's where diversity is needed.
Unfortunately, we are back to the fact that no big missions come without obstacle. And these things such as extremists happen.

People are talking around about anarchy and demonstration post-election. People are getting flashbacks to 1998, and other horrifying moment that happened in this country years ago. My dad even told me not to go out of the house if possible. I resisted. He gave thousands of reasons in the world and even finally said the "because I love you" word that totally gives a son an awkward moment. It explains that he's so paranoid that I started to think that I should go and learn some mega jujitsu so that he believes that I can handle myself. And when my dad actually explained why he is worried, I-- being a conscious stubborn, kinda try to understand him a little, and that's where the fear comes in just a little bit.

I don't know why, but this city, country then feels a little like a war zone for me. Fear. Some people around you might feel it too. Fear of wandering outside home too far and too long. I wonder how it feels like being in a real, real, actual war zone where 1-inch false move can make people dead?

But somehow, the fear feels good. It adds something to myself. To this chemistry of soul. It makes me feel..human. And I'm starting to get it. These are the things: Fear. Anger. Resentment. Sadness. Pain. Those are bad things but it often comes to our life when the positive things: Love. Laughter. Excitement. Safety. are getting old or isn't present. It explains how you can feel calmer when you're a little sad, it also explains why you feel prouder when you get angry, and how you are seeking a bigger comfort or safety
(it can be friends, family, or God) when you're in fear. Fear only makes you seek social or spiritual strength even more. In the end, negative feelings are there for a reason. And if you seek to see it from this point, it actually turns you back to positive feelings. I think this is where "No good exists without bad" happens.

These are the things that makes us human.

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