No Wonder They Hate Religion.
9:28:00 PMNo wonder people who the religion considers as sinners hate religions so much.
The so called divine judgement. Some people in the world of religion, the ones the society consider as "high" people dare to talk about things they don't understand. They bring up one case, contemplate on their religious books for it, and make preachings out of it. OK, I believe they've been praying for it. Maybe it came out of the divine world. Maybe it's from The Above. But what if the preachings start to judge the people they call sinners in a terribly wrong way?
The day before yesterday I went to a church and the preacher talked about the LGBTs. The preachings were supposedly OK as he was trying to build awareness in the people about the easiness of LGBT spreading in this globalization era. But honestly, I don't like the way he talks about LGBT. It's like they're not human, like they are not a part of the community. So he was saying jokes about them, making fun of them. The people laughed. I think that's not funny at all. If he knows that LGBT is now easy to find, why not consider they are in a part of the church and watch his preachings carefully? What if they heard themselves being made fun of, feel humiliated and isolated from the so called normal people? I think the church won't make such "healings" on LGBT if they keep doing this. LGBTs are humans. Not objects to be made fun of with judgings. They hear, they feel.
The other things that I feel wrong is that the preacher keeps giving facts that is false. He keeps giving datas that are not correct.
First, he says that LGBT is patently a product of the society. Don't leave your children out there unprotected and unwatched. That this era is so wrong. That it is even wronger that they foolishly fell to the deep dark space. Well from what I learn in psychology, mostly it is from the parents' way of developing the child. I think no one chose to be LGBT when they start their life. It could be from society, but it can also be caused by their parents. So who is to blame? Them for falling to the society? Why not considering that they are just a victim of wrong education that needs to be guided? Why make fun of them like it's all their fault.
The other thing that got me shocked is that he, loudly and boldly said that "THEY ARE NOT LIKE US". That moment, I disrespected the preaching instantly. He said that they are not normal, that they kill when they get jealous. Their emotions are magnified. Well what do you think they are, monsters? The LGBTs are normal humans and not included in the DSM, psychological book of mental disorders. They are just like us. They talk, act, think, feel like us. Their difference is only that they are attracted to the same sex. And I believe that this is what made the bad stereotyping of the society about LGBTs since the first time. "High" people creating those judgements. If the religion think it's a sin, well then guide them not to do that. Don't work on them like they are part of some curse. Just because they do a different type of sin that is attached with stupid paradigms created by some judging forces, doesn't mean they're monsters. Sins are sins. I believe they should be treated the same way.
The impression that I get is, the religion is judging too much without knowing the truths. I think those prejudices don't make things get better, they will only make the people they judge run away instead of listening. The worse is when the "high" people lay out wrong facts about something, saying it's divine knowledge. Well when it turns out to be wrong facts, it can really hurt many people. And this doesn't happen only to this LGBT example, maybe it happens to many other types of sins. If you know nothing don't judge anything.
I don't hate religion. I hate the way some of those "high" people works. "High" people maybe are chosen, but that doesn't mean they are perfect. Take the good, leave the bad. That way also you won't get disappointed too much if they make mistakes. They are humans. Being religious doesn't mean being a good human. Stop correlating religion to human values.
A lecturer said to me, religion and faith is two different things. In the end, it's between you and God, never between you and them. I agree. For me, I prefer to work on my faith. My personal relationship with The Above.
Well I'm not a religious type of person like I was. It's just me and my opinion on this happening case right now. We all have our own.
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