8:41:00 PMYou got it. A feeling that pressed your chest, straight to your heart, spine, and pounds your head to the point that you say "it hurts", or even any other expressions of anger, towards that someone else or towards your partner.
Your jealousy can be reasonable. Maybe they're really taking a naughty stare at someone else. Even wickedly, already in a ride with them to leave us. But sometimes, we get those awakening times when we realize that it's just our silly and negative assumption, right? Well that's cute sometimes. But you know it doesn't feel good and could get worse for the relationship.
If you're the type that gets jealous even without seeing any proof, maybe you should reconsider. Maybe it's only all in your mind. Maybe, the main reason is within you. There are many possible roots from inside of you to feel jealousy. One of them is your deep fright of your imperfection.
You don't feel good enough about yourself. You're afraid that they are going to be attracted to someone better than you. Appearances, abilities, quality. You're afraid that they would start to compare and contemplate and end up choosing that someone else. The thing is, no one's perfect. Neither are you. Neither is your partner. Then why being shallow much about your quality? You choose each other in the first place, you both learn about each others' imperfections. If you're already in a relationship that means they accept yours. Those imperfections are a part of the reason that they love you.

If you just start to accept yourself the way you are; the way your partner accepts you in the first place, maybe you won't be jealous. Trust them that they love you, that "you" includes your imperfection. Trust is the very base of a relationship, including yours. And it should work the same way in this area. That way you'll believe just how perfect you are for each other.
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