The Truths I Don't Wanna Know About.

12:48:00 AM

I am disappointed by a lot of truths tonight.
Or should I say, a lot of rumors. It's about the game behind the media industry. Ever heard of the term illuminati? If not, then you should look up on Google. haha. So yesterday I got a BM on my phone that Lady Gaga is going to build a castle for Lucifer and create human monsters and things, that we should pray so that she won't come to Indonesia. Today I searched for the info about this castle building and things, and I was bugged by this truth, is she really an illuminati? I then looked up again on YouTube, and it leads me to a lot more videos and external links about her and other well-known artists, even my favorite such as Katy Perry being an illuminati. No way, this can't be true. Not only these singers, but also an all-time good children movies producer Walt Disney is said to be an illuminati member as well. The proofs of the subliminal and sexual messages in the movies really mess me up. I feel bad if it has to be the truth. Disney was always giving good morals in their movies, telling tales about good friendship, sacrifice, and hope. Why so much things hidden in the back? Now, are they to be avoided?

There are so much good that isn't really good, and so much bad that doesn't look bad in this age. What do we do? In my opinion, everything has its own positives and negatives, and it's our decision what to take or leave. For example, the Disney movies. They do give inspiring things that we can learn, aside of the rumors that they already banged our mind with hidden sexual messages along the good movie. Narnia, one of its movies, made me cry when I learned the religious message. I can feel His love flowing through me when I watched this movie. So who cares about these rumors? All I know is I'm absorbing the good morals. Well, we should assort what musics and movies to hear/watch and not to. If it's obviously a fact and no rumor that it's bad, we better stay away. If it's still rumor or blurry, then why don't we just keep it to always lean on God and believe that He would help show what to take and take us away from the bad? Being completely allergic to these things, for me? Not a choice. I don't know about you, but this is my opinion.

I'm a hip hop dancer and it's a general knowledge that most of hip hop musics are containing explicit words, some also sung by those illuminati-rumored artists and I dance to them, we dance to them. Am I damned? No. Actually, I feel blessed along my journey dancing. He gave me dance and it took me away from my self-disrespect. It made me learn how to be passionate, teamwork, how to control my nervous feeling, and it even gave me a lot of great and inspiring friends.

In the end, everything can educate us. It all depends on the way you see it and what you're taking from it. And never forget to stay close to God to help us assort them.

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