People Come and Go.

11:09:00 PM

About a week ago I had a short escape to SG.
Just on the first day when I went out for dinner, I encountered someone completely unexpected. It was a blast from the past. Someone close about 5-6 years ago. Wasn't ex or anything, but we had moments. For the past year, we've not been in contact at all. The last time we talked was closed by a silly argument. Turned out that time, that someone turned to a hyper conceited stranger you don't wanna talk to. Upset by the attitude, I cut our possible line of connection. There. I expected we'd never have any business anymore.

When I saw that person I was startled. My eyes goggled, my mouth gaped, I stepped forward and greeted. Still, with eyes goggled and mouth gaped. I didn't believe we actually ran to each other, not in a million improbability. The vibe were hyper awkward, especially when my mom came in and told me to ask for the contact and maybe invite to join us in the next few days. We tried hard to make excuses, and finally after a little more awkward talk, we said bye. For the next few minutes, I felt tremble all over, on my gesture, on my articulation, everything. It was something crazy, scary, shocking, and relieving at the same time that I hadn't felt for quite some time.

There. Just like that.
Just before I went to bed I couldn't stop thinking to myself. Sometimes we get to know someone, we get close to each other, we shared some part of our lives, and without even realizing, we blended into a big part of each others'. A part that sometimes when we move further in front, is only a part that was there. Was. And it's not popping up again for the next decades or even the end.

Life is like walking. We have a destination, sometimes we accidentally crossed path with someone, shared the walk with them along with a glass of happiness, and suddenly we have to separate and head towards our own path. Along the walk when we look back, we realize that it changed us, altered something in our life.  The collide was there for a purpose. We then met other people, shared the walk with them. When after a long walk we met that person again, we're not who we were anymore, they're not who they were anymore, we become strangers, the glass was no more,  we only say hi and continue walking to our own destinations without any concern.

And it doesn't happen once. 
Humans keeps moving forward along with time, it's a great fact of life that is kinda sad to think in some ways.
Well, it's just another part of life.

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