Spill The Burdens.

1:14:00 AM

We may think we got everything under control. We might be the most drama-free person in this whole earth. We may be that kind of superman with super self-healing ability. The toughest guy.

But we can never deny the fact that we are still human. We are just like a pot with different boiling points. You might have 100, I might have 150, someone else might have 240. But no matter at what point we boil, we still boil anyway. We have to do something before we go on a downward spiral of self-destruct.

One way to do that is to spill the weights down. As much as I'd love to deny it, I never thought I needed other human to cope with my problems. Until the point when I realized I had too much on my own back, and had to spill it somewhere 'less I want to go psychotic. That moment when I was on the edge, I knew that if I let it stay inside the pot, it would rattle savagely and break the pot itself. And when I spilled some on a trustworthy friend, I surprisingly bursted into tears. I thought I was OK with everything; even at the moments when the problems happen, I felt nothing profound. I could still feel and act normal. But my unconscious realm said otherwise. I realized it was defending me this whole time, keeping everything on the label "OK". And then it was just tired.

So I guess it proved to me that we really are social creature. It's not a matter of getting an advice or answers that magically solved everything. Sometimes what our soul really needs is as simple as to be listened. It lets it map out things. It lets it rest. And after, it stands up again and fight better - with less burdens.

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